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AfricaFocus Bulletin

Country-focused Bulletins

January 19, 2022  USA/Africa: Bronx Fire Devastates Gambian Community
    “This is the heart of the problem. If housing vulnerable people is an asset class – not a social good, or a human right – then generating returns for investors will always be in a zero-sum relationship with providing safe housing for those people. Landlords will always be in the middle; and when they’re taking sides, as they must in housing for profit, investors will always win.” - Annia Ciezadlo

December 23, 2021  USA/Africa: Pandora Papers Keep Giving
    2021 was a banner year for attention to national and international tax reforms to reduce tax evasion and avoidance, with legislation in the United States spearheaded by the FACT Coalition and a global reform deal proposed by the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). But the Pandora Papers also demonstrated the pervasive scale of illicit financial flows that siphon off wealth into an “offshore” world of secrecy.

July 27, 2021  USA/Global: Let Cuba Live!
    The Biden administration has now been in office for six months, along with a narrow Democratic majority in Congress. So it seems an appropriate time for a report card. I offered my evaluation in another AfricaFocus Bulletin sent out today, entitled “Building Back Better? Or Not?” But as I was finalizing that Bulletin, I realized that the rising U.S. attacks on Cuba are a key indicator of how things are going.

July 27, 2021  USA/Africa: Building Back Better? Or Not?
June 14, 2021  USA/Global: Bad Days for Big Oil (except in the GOP)
March 8, 2021  USA/Global: Taxing the Tech Giants
November 30, 2020  USA/Africa: Build Back Better on Africa Policy
November 30, 2020  USA/Global: On Climate, How Much Will Be New?
September 28, 2020  USA/Global: Millions Displaced by US Post-9/11 Wars
September 23, 2020  USA/Global: Overhauling U.S. Foreign Policy
August 24, 2020  USA/Global: Divest from Violent Policing and Endless Wars, Part Two
August 24, 2020  USA/Global: Divest from Violent Policing and Endless Wars, Part One
June 8, 2020  USA/Global: Racial Pandemic and Viral Pandemic
May 12, 2020  USA/Global: Contesting Health and Workers' Rights
March 9, 2020  USA/Africa: Transnational Lives in Kentucky
February 24, 2020  USA/Global: National and Global Inequalities Are Intertwined
January 27, 2020  USA/Global: Green New Deal Can and Must Be Global
January 27, 2020  USA/Global: Beyond Eurocentrism and U.S. Exceptionalism
November 25, 2019  USA/Africa: At Home in Maine
February 26, 2019  USA/Africa: From Wakanda to Reparations, Part 2
February 26, 2019  USA/Africa: From Wakanda to Reparations, Part 1
January 30, 2019  USA/Africa: Paradigms of Foreign Intervention
January 30, 2019  USA/Africa: China, Bolton, and Jimmy Carter
July 18, 2018  Africa/Global: 10 Ways to Misunderstand the Trump Election, and Why They Still Matter
May   7, 2018  USA/Africa: Achieving 100% Renewable Energy
May   7, 2018  USA/Africa: Renewable Energy Advances on Many Fronts
January 15, 2018  South Africa/USA: Inequality is Extreme and Still Rising
November 13, 2017  USA/Sahel: Questions Asked, Unasked, Half-Answered
August 23, 2017  USA/Africa: No Policy? Bad Policy? Or Both?
May 30, 2017  USA/Africa: "Pro-Death" Health Agendas Advance
October 11, 2016  USA/Africa: The State of Black Immigrants
September 21, 2016  USA/Africa: From #BlackLivesMatter to #StopTheBleeding Africa
Apr   5, 2016  USA/Global: When Elephants Fight
February 29, 2016  USA/Africa: Rising Opposition to Tax Evasion
July 29, 2015  USA/Africa: Obama Visit Roundup
February 24, 2015  USA/Somalia: Rising Threat to Remittances
December 1, 2014  USA/Nigeria: Uneasy Alliance
October 20, 2014  USA/Africa: Decent Work Agenda
October 14, 2014  USA/Africa: New Statistics on Immigrant Communities
August 11, 2014  Africa: Investment for Whom?
July 29, 2014  USA/Africa: A Dubious Summit
March 13, 2014  USA/Africa: Military Perspectives
January 27, 2014  USA/Africa: Exporting Homophobia
May   8, 2013  USA/Africa: Immigration Reform Needs Fixing
Nov 15, 2012  USA/Africa: A Rare Policy Success
Jun 20, 2012  USA/Africa: Reject "Terrorist" Designation for Boko Haram
Jun   1, 2012  USA/Africa: Rising Pressures for Militarization
Aug 18, 2011  USA/Africa: Wage Penalties for Black Immigrants
Aug 18, 2011  USA/Africa: New Data on African Immigrants
Jun 30, 2011  USA/Gabon: Blind Eye for Corruption
Dec 14, 2010  USA/Africa: Wikileaks Highlights, 2
Dec 14, 2010  USA/Africa: Wikileaks Highlights, 1
Aug   2, 2010  USA/Africa: New Evidence on Lumumba Death
Aug   2, 2010  USA/Congo (Kinshasa): Conflict Minerals Law
Jul   9, 2010  USA/Africa: Detroit to Dakar
Jun   5, 2010  USA/Nigeria: By Way of Comparison
Mar   30 2010  USA/Somalia: Engage or Disengage?
Feb   8, 2010  USA/Africa: Two to Tango
Dec   6, 2009  USA/Africa: AIDS - Yes, We Can?
Dec   6, 2009  USA/Africa: AIDS - No We Can't?
Nov   6, 2009  USA/Africa: Supporting Global Health
Sep 15, 2009  USA/Somalia: Slippery Slope
Aug   4, 2009  USA/Kenya: What Kind of Partnership?
Jul 21, 2009  USA/Africa: Trade Profile
Jul 21, 2009  USA/Africa: After the Speech
Jul 10, 2009  USA/Africa: Obama in Ghana, What Kind of Change?
Jun 24, 2009  USA/Uganda: Recovery from Conflict?
May 10, 2009  USA/Africa: Underfunding Global Health
Apr 14, 2009  USA/Nigeria: Halliburton Fallout
Mar 18, 2009  USA/Africa: Making Peace or Fueling War
Mar   1, 2009  USA/Africa: Waiting for Change
Feb 25, 2009  USA/Africa: Global Health Policy
Dec 18, 2008  USA/Africa: Global Health Commitment
Dec 14, 2008  USA/Somalia: Obama's First Africa Test
Nov 18, 2008  USA/Africa: Reflections on the Transition
Oct 31, 2008  USA/Nigeria: Chevron on Trial
Sep 13, 2008  USA/Africa: New Policy Prospects?
Aug   2, 2008  USA: AIDS & Black America
Mar 14, 2008  USA/Africa: Africom vs. Peacekeeping
Mar   3, 2008  USA/Africa: Health Policy Updates
Feb 21, 2008  USA/Africa: Images and Issues
Feb   5, 2008  USA/Africa: Health Budget Falls Short
Aug   1, 2007  USA/Africa: Questioning AFRICOM, 2
Aug   1, 2007  USA/Africa: Questioning AFRICOM, 1
May   7, 2007  USA/Africa: More than Just a Mvule Tree
Jan 16, 2007  USA/Africa: Constructing a Terror Front
Nov 28, 2005  USA/Africa: Global Gag Rule Expands
Sep   6, 2005  USA/Africa: Call for Food Aid Reform
Mar   23 2005  USA/Africa: Cotton Dumping
Feb   1, 2005  USA/Africa: Textile Meltdown?
Oct 26, 2004  USA/Africa: Fair Elections?
Jul 28, 2004  USA/Africa: Oil and Transparency
Jun 10, 2004  USA/Africa: Peacekeeping Repackaged
Apr   5, 2004  USA/Africa: Policy Prospects
Mar 31, 2004  Rwanda/USA: "The System Worked"
Jan   6, 2004  USA/Africa: Health Unilateralism

Recent Bulletins on Continent-Wide Issues

January 23, 2023  Update from Editor on Future Plans
November 15, 2022  Africa/Global: "Daughter of Africa" Steps Up to Lead on Global Crises
October 25, 2022  Africa/Global: Remembering Valeriano Ferrão and Charles Sherrod
October 10, 2022  AfricaFocus 3.0: Not ´A Nation of Immigrants´
July 20, 2022  Africa/Global: Oligarchs of All Nations
June 9, 2022  Africa/Global: Ukraine, Africa, and Our Planet

AfricaFocus Bulletin Archive
     by date | by place | by topic

Africa Policy E-Journal (1995-2003)

2003-09-20 USA/Africa: Broken Promises & Betrayals
2003-07-19 USA/Africa: When Mr. President Came Shopping
2003-07-09 USA/Africa: Show Us the Money!
2003-07-07 USA/Africa: Still Waffling on Generics
2003-07-03 USA/Africa: More than a Trip?
2003-06-29 USA/Africa: Trade Wars, 1
2003-06-29 USA/Africa: Trade Wars, 2
2003-03-07 USA/Africa: Anti-War Statements, 1
2003-03-07 USA/Africa: Military Programs
2003-03-07 USA/Africa: Anti-War Statements, 2
2003-01-29 USA/Africa: AIDS Initiative, Famine Update
2003-01-23 USA/Africa: Malign Neglect
2003-01-14 USA/Africa: Trade Meeting, 1
2003-01-14 USA/Africa: Trade Meeting, 2
2002-11-20 USA/Africa: Mobilizing for the Right to Health
2002-10-04 USA/Africa: Questions for Candidates
2002-08-01 USA/Africa: New Data on Murder of Lumumba
2002-07-25 USA/Africa: Anthrax, History and Security
2002-05-13 USA/Africa: Sign-On Letter to Treasury Secretary
2002-01-13 USA/Africa: Organizing on Africa in the USA
2001-10-29 USA/Africa: Economic Policy, 2
2001-10-29 USA/Africa: Economic Policy, 1
2001-10-15 USA: Global Health Fund Alert
2001-07-09 USA/Africa: Urgent Senate Action
2001-06-08 USA: AID Chief Displays Racism, Ignorance
2001-05-10 USA: Action Alert / Failing the Test on Global AIDS
2000-12-13 USA: Color of Election 2000
2000-12-13 USA: Bush and Africa, the Coming Apathy
2000-09-26 USA/Africa: UN Funding
2000-08-22 USA: Nigeria Policy, Letters
2000-08-21 USA: Nigeria Policy, Statement
2000-05-05 USA: Global Infectious Disease Threat
2000-03-23 USA: Summit Documents, 5
2000-03-23 USA: Summit Documents, 4
2000-02-28 USA: Summit Documents, 3
2000-02-27 USA: Summit Documents, 2
2000-02-27 USA: Summit Documents, 1
1999-12-06 USA: Trade and Globalization Opinion
1999-10-16 USA: Africa Trade Bills
1999-07-31 USA: Africa Economy Updates
1999-06-01 USA: Africa Policy On-Line Poll
1999-03-22 USA: Africa Conference, Clinton Speech
1999-03-22 USA: Africa Conference, Amoako Speech
1999-03-07 USA: Africa Trade Documents, 2
1999-03-07 USA: Africa Trade Documents, 1
1999-02-05 USA: Africa Seeds of Hope Act
1998-10-22 USA: Questions for Congress
1998-09-19 USA: Africa Funding
1998-06-11 USA: Changes in Landmine Policy
1998-04-18 USA: Comments after Clinton Trip
1998-03-17 USA: Africa Trade Bill, 2
1998-03-17 USA: Africa Trade Bill, 1
1997-10-27 USA: Letter on Africa Trade
1997-07-09 USA: UN Arrears
1997-06-02 USA: CFR Task Force Statement
1997-04-26 USA: Africa Fund Consultation
1996-10-16 USA: Questions for Candidates, 2
1996-10-16 USA: Questions for Candidates, 1
1996-09-10 USA: African Immigrant on Trial
News (allafrica) Sep 19, 2024
news feed
temporarily unavailable
U.S. Government Africa Links
State Department Africa Bureau
Senate Foreign Relations Committee
House Committee on International Relations
African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA)
Millennium Challenge Corporation
Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator
President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)
President's Malaria Initiative
The White House on Africa Policy
U.S. African Development Foundation
U.S. Trade Representative on Africa

Issue Areas
Peace and Security
Politics and Human Rights
Economy and Development